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Pino Law Firm P.C.

Call Today To Schedule An Appointment (205) 663 1581


Handling Drug-Related Offenses In AlabamaThis article will cover:

  • Which types of drug charges are commonly handled by the firm.
  • Factors that determine whether a drug charge will be charged as a misdemeanor or felony in Alabama.
  • Alternative sentences available for first-time drug offenders, and potential defenses for drug charges in Alabama.

What Are The Common Types Of Drug Charges Your Firm Handles?

Our firm commonly handles drug possession cases, especially involving prescription medication without a prescription, such as Xanax and Klonopin.

What Determines Whether A Drug Charge In Alabama Will Be Charged As A Misdemeanor Or A Felony?

Marijuana possession for personal use is typically charged as a misdemeanor for a first-time offender. Possession of a prescription drug that is not a controlled substance is also charged as a misdemeanor. All other drug possession crimes are charged as felonies.

Are Alternative Sentences Available For First Time Offenders?

Yes, alternative sentences are available for first-time drug offenders. These sentences may be referred to as pretrial diversion, deferred prosecution, or drug court, depending on the court. Typically, first-time offenders for possession cases are eligible for these alternatives, which include at least six to nine months of drug screens and monitoring, as well as payment of fines and court costs. If you successfully complete the program, your case will be dismissed.

What Are Potential Defenses For Drug Charges In Alabama?

Defenses for drug charges in Alabama are limited, as the mere possession of a drug constitutes a crime, which is easy for the prosecution to prove. Potential defenses include technical defenses, such as illegal search and seizure. If multiple individuals are involved and only one batch of drugs is found in a certain area, some defendants may be able to defend the case by claiming they did not know the drugs were present or that the drugs were not theirs.

For more information on Handling Drug-Related Offenses In Alabama, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (205) 663 1581 today.

Pino Law Firm P.C.

Call Today To Schedule An
Appointment (205) 663 1581